19 June 2023 - Wow - what a day!
Did I threaten another Newsbite - to thank all the people involved in the amazing Open Gardens event? Of course I did! You can't escape - read on...
The organisers, led by Hilary Davidson, are thrilled to announce the incredible result of £4075, which will be divided equally between the vital causes of Cancer Research UK and Dementia UK.
She says:
"We would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who has contributed - and just mention that it is still possible to add a donation to this remarkable total!
"In addition to expressing our thanks, we would like to highlight some outstanding individuals and groups who have played a significant role in making this event a success:
"The gardeners deserve special recognition for creating such a diverse and stunning array of gardens, which garnered numerous compliments from visitors. The owners' warm and friendly demeanour, and the welcoming atmosphere around the village also contributed to the overall positive experience. [Ed: I think I can confidently say that our house prices just leapt a good 10%.]
"We would like to extend our appreciation to Mike Haine for designing the highly professional, informative and much-admired programmes. Thanks also to The Springhead Pub for generously sponsoring all the publicity for this event.
"The dedication and hard work of the caterers, led by Caroline Crisp, Sue Smith and Shirley Davies who tirelessly provided their services, are also deserving of recognition.
"Since we're talking about tireless dedication, it would be dreadful to overlook John Bellis who sat taking money and operating the contactless payment machine from start to finish on both days.
"Furthermore, we extend our thanks to Jackie Greet and Sue Locke for their efforts in organizing the delightful plant stall.
"Also to Roger Greet and his team of car parking helpers. The first cars were here not much after 11am and the last didn't leave until well after we'd all retired exhausted.
"A tremendous thank you goes to Jon Waterman and Jane Young, who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes for months to ensure the resounding success of this weekend. Their commitment and hard work have been truly invaluable. Jane looked after Publicity and it was a pleasant surprise to hear Alan Titchmarsh announce our event on his Classic FM radio show on Saturday morning. Visitors certainly came from far and wide!
"Finally we are immensely grateful to everyone involved, as each contribution has made a significant difference. Together, we have achieved something truly special, and we invite you to continue supporting Open Gardens in a future year.
Hilary is too modest to thank herself but without her unstinting efforts for the last two years we would not have been nagged into action with such a great result. Is it too late to get her on you-know-who's honours list?
J & S
18 June 2023 - Anne Kemp
We have been informed by Anne Kemp's son Andrew that Anne's funeral/interment will take place on Friday 23rd June 12noon at St Andrew's cemetery - there will be no service inside the church .
At 12.30 pm refreshments etc will be served in the Springhead Blue Duck bar.
Everyone welcome.
J & S
17 June 2023 - Wow - what a day!
If you didn't get out today to see your neighbours' gardens then you really missed something!
Approx 300 programmes sold today, on-track to meet the success of the last event in 2015.
And the egg and mayonnaise sandwiches were a runaway hit, all being sold within 30 minutes!
But you get a second chance tomorrow! Don't throw this opportunity away...
The overwhelming reaction of visitors is "Wow - I didn't expect to find anything like this!"
Every garden is so different. The gardeners and visitors are all so nice and friendly.
So get out there tomorrow, 12pm-5pm
Cancer Research UK and Dementia UK are in for a nice windfall!
Special thanks will be coming out of this keyboard to the Open Gardens organisers, gardeners, helpers and sponsors in a future Newsbite...
J & S
16 June 2023 - (no longer) Missing Butterscotch
Thank you everyone who looked, messaged and phoned.
The good news from Joyce is that Butterscotch is home.
Freed from holiday let next door! Hungry but fine.
J & S & J & S & Uncle Tom Cobley
15 June 2023 - Mission Hall Trust AGM
This is a reminder of the Mission Hall AGM date (Wednesday June 21st, at the Mission Hall, starting 7 p.m.).
Copies of the Annual Report and Treasurer's Report will be available at the meeting.
Bill Egerton
15 June 2023 - Missing Butterscotch
A message to pass on...
Joyce Peel’s cat hasn’t been seen since last Sunday. The cats name is Butterscotch and rarely goes far from home which adds to the mystery of her disappearance. She’s ginger, black and white (the cat) and is 15 years old. Please check any outbuildings sheds and garages (particularly around the Mission Hall area) and if you have any news please let Joyce know at Rose Cottage, Mission Hall Lane or ring Sue Davis on 07952 289266
Thanks in anticipation.
Sue Davis
10 June 2023 - Footpaths
Footpaths through fields are a bit of a nuisance to farmers, but those that aren't used get lost forever.
One in particular, identified by Tony Ferrari, is currently a cause for concern. It's the one that starts by the Waterworks / White Horse Lane, crosses Hunt's Woodyard, then climbs diagonally across the field known as Cuckoos, and onwards to East Hill and Margaret's Seat. The 'path' is very overgrown with whatever it was that the farmer seeded. Someone has been through tooled up with a machete or similar and chopped a route so it is passable (thank you whoever you are) but it won't stay that way for long. It's fine to cross now that it's dry, but we need to keep using the path to keep it open.
It's suggested that anyone who used to use the path puts it back on their (dog-) walking list. Initially long trousers and a stick might be sensible - but I'm not going to recommend we all buy machetes and go roaming across the fields! We might discourage campers. Oh, that's given me a thought...
J & S
8 June 2023 - Countdown to Open Gardens 2023
It's the last days before the Open Gardens weekend, 17/18 June, and it's not too late to join in the fun and help the village look beautiful and attract admirers from far and wide.
And even more importantly, raise a load of money for Cancer Research and Dementia charities.
We still need you to make cakes, and donate plants or cuttings - maybe you've raised too many seeds for your entries for the Village Veg Show (end of July) and we can sell your surplus!
You can also help with various activities such as car parking and selling those aforesaid plants and refreshments.
Even if you feel you've nothing to offer, please come along and have a look at all your neighbours' secret gardens, spread word to friends to come along and raise money for these worthwhile causes.
I know you can help so please form an orderly queue - but you can get any further information you need from me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 07707 830846.
Thanks, Hilary