28 March 2022 - History Evening
Hello everyone,
At the History Evening on Friday 11 March a near capacity Mission Hall audience enjoyed a most interesting talk by ffiona Perigrinor about Lady Alice de Bryene and Margery Kempe. These two ladies were both born in East Anglia in the 1370s and died in the 1430s. The former had the more local connections for she owned the manor of Sutton Poyntz from 1385 until 1434. Lady Alice, nee de Bures, married the eldest son of Lord Guy de Bryene, a very influential soldier, courtier, administrator, and landowner. She was gifted the manor as part of the marriage settlement and on the deaths of her husband and Lord de Bryene she became the effective owner of all the de Bryene properties. On the death of her mother, she also inherited her father's East Anglian properties and became an extremely wealthy lady, with estates of about six thousand acres. ffiona has seen documents suggesting that before moving back to East Anglia, Alice might have actually lived at Sutton Poyntz. If so there should be the remains of a significant manor house, probably somewhere beneath the Waterworks buildings and the old Upper Mill. ffiona has written a book about Alice based on a year's detailed household records for her East Anglia home which provide a fascinating account of life in this household. Her talk moved on to Margery Kempe, who lived in the important trade centre of King's (then Bishop's) Lynn. Towards the end of her life Margery dictated what has been described as the first English language autobiography, "The Book of Margery Kempe”. This was thought lost for many centuries until a single copy was found in a Derbyshire manor house in the 1930s. Sadly the book majors on Margery's inner religious turmoil and her extensive pilgrimages but says little about how people really lived in the early 15th Century. ffiona's talk was much enjoyed, and several people bought copies of her book. The audience stayed on afterwards for lively and pleasant discussion over a glass of wine. Thanks are due to Bill and John for organising this most interesting event.
Stay safe and smiling
26 March 2022 - Coffee Morning
Hello everyone,
The Coffee Morning is next Friday, 1 April, in the Mission Hall from 10.30am until noon. For just £3 you can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, a piece of delicious homemade cake (a take away service is also available) and all the conversation you can manage. There will be an added treat at this meeting because you will be able to learn all about the Repair Café Weymouth. This was founded by Ros Dean in May 2019, and held eight tremendously successful events before Covid struck. It restarted this month at a new spacious venue, the Top Club, set into the grassy bank of Louviers Road, Littlemoor, and will take place between 10:30 to 12:30 on the second Saturday of every month, except July and August. The repairers can fix all sorts of broken items, be they electrical, electronic, IT (PCs, laptops, gadgets and games) or mechanical which includes tool sharpening, gluing, clocks, jewellery and sewing. You take along a broken item and watch volunteers repair them in return for a donation. You might even pick up the skills and the confidence to attempt similar repairs yourself – or not, if you have the same abilities as me! Judy Luffman was one of the team of three that made the Repair Cafe happen and she will be along to answer any questions you might have. You can follow them on
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RepairCafeWeymouth
Website: https://repaircafeweymouth.org/
See you there – Mission Hall Friday 1 April 10.30am.
Stay safe and smiling
15 March 2022 - SP Soc AGM; Coffee Morning update; Planting
Hello everyone,
It’s that time of year again, one you have been so eagerly anticipating, when the SP Society holds its Annual General Meeting. This will take place at 7pm in the Mission Hall on Wednesday 27 April. The doors open at 6.30pm and at 7pm prompt Kevin Pearce will present an overview of the new village website. Not giving anything away when I say that it is very good indeed with lots of facilities and so user friendly that even I can find my way around it. There are also rumours that there might be a couple of other guest speakers as well. At 7.30 there will be a pause for drinks and nibbles – or nibbles and drinks if you prefer – before the AGM proper starts at 7.45. The agenda is what you would expect. Chair and Treasurer reports, Election of officers – Chair and Treasurer - then Election of the Committee. The bulk of the committee will be standing again but there are two vacancies. If you would like to be a part of the committee to assist with village life, or know somebody who would, then before the start of the meeting submit a nomination with the names of the candidate, the proposer, the seconder, and the agreement of the candidate. Candidates may of course be proposed at the AGM itself provided they are in attendance. If you wish to add an item to the agenda your suggestion needs to be with the Secretary, Andy Hone, two weeks before the meeting i.e. by Wednesday, 13 April. During the evening you will be able to pay your annual subscription, which has once again been pegged at £2/person or a maximum of £4/household See you there, I hope.
An update on the Coffee Morning in aid of the British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal. The total raised was £886 which is a magnificent sum. Well done everyone who contributed.
The Society has purchased 150 hedging plants which the Bio-diversity Group have now planted, so many thanks to them for all their hard work. I should be able to tell you where the plants are, but I didn’t write it down and my memory fails me. But you should be able to spot them as you perambulate around the village.
Information about the celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is winging its way to you through your letterbox and via posters. I’ll report in a later Newsbite.
Stay safe and try to keep smiling
6 March 2022 - Jubilee Party Planning Meeting; Bulb planting
Hello everyone,
A reminder that the next Jubilee Party Planning Meeting will take place at 10am on Thursday 10 March at Hilary’s house. Given the amount of effort already expended on this topic there are clearly a lot of willing, able and dedicated villagers involved, so this meeting is for you. But I am sure they would welcome assistance. so if you would like to help then go along on Thursday. To plagiarise the words of President Kennedy “Ask not what your village can do for you, ask what you can do for your village”.
Last Monday morning, 28 February I donned my full Himalayan mountain walking gear and strode out to witness at first hand the snowdrop bulb planting in the village. The first planting team encountered were hard at work on the bank opposite the telephone box as you can see (the accidental thumb is mine). Further up the road towards the Springhead there were snowdrops in the verges where none had been before, until I came across Dave and Penny also hard at work. At the Top of the Pond below the bridge there was much activity, and even a professional at work, for I sighted a kneeling mat in use. So far the ladies had been more in evidence, but I was told that some gentlemen had headed towards the Millenium Walk, which proved accurate. No pictorial evidence as they were not as photogenic as the ladies but Jon told me that the 1000 bulbs ordered had all been planted and more would be obtained. There were also plans in the near future to relocate daffodils from gardens and replant them in suitable spots. The morning’s activities were another example of villagers selflessly turning out to help enhance the village surroundings for everyone. Well done.
Stay safe and smiling
5 March 2022 - Yesterday's Coffee Morning
Hello everyone,
Well that was quite a Coffee Morning, that was. A bumper turnout. There was an abundance of coffee (or tea if you are a traditionalist), chat and delicious home-made cake for whatever you felt disposed to donate. Many others dropped in briefly to contribute. Yvonne had made some lovely hearts in the Ukrainian colours which were available for a contribution to the funds. The ladies – for it was all ladies – in the kitchen were kept busier than usual and worked very hard. They even braved operating the microwave to ensure a supply of warm milk for the coffee and did so with great panache. It has to be said that there was an over-riding feeling of concern and sympathy for the plight of the Ukrainian people, and the wish to help was evident by the amount raised. This totalled the amazing sum of £800, to which the Government will add a similar sum. Thanks are due to the organisers of the event, to those who worked so hard to ensure it was a success – setting up, in the kitchen, baking cakes etc - and last but not least everyone who turned up to contribute, some making quite an effort to be there. Well done indeed.
Best regards
3 March 2022 - Leaflet with details Village Fayre; Coffee Morning reminder
Hello everyone,
As you are no doubt know the Village Fayre is taking place on Sunday 3 July. A fabulous day of fun and fund raising and fancy dress encompassing the whole of the village. Planning is well underway and every house in the village will be receiving a leaflet through the letterbox with full details of the considerable help needed in terms of effort and items for sale. But in case your house doesn’t have a letterbox, or you live outside the village or, heaven forbid, you are somehow passed by - never mind for here it is attached. We like to think that Newsbites get there first. You can see how many villagers have already volunteered and the scale of items needed for the many and varied stalls. So if you can help, get in touch with the appropriate person. You will be welcomed with open arms and, trust me, you will have a marvellous day.
And a heartfelt reminder about the Coffee morning in the Mission Hall tomorrow, Friday 4 March 10.30am to noon. All proceeds and donations will be going to the British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal, so do come along either for the coffee, cake and chat or just briefly to make a donation. It will all help.
Stay safe
2 March 2022 - Coffee Morning support to Ukraine Crisis Appeal
Hello everyone,
In light of the appalling tragedy unfolding in the Ukraine, with many men, women and children being killed or maimed during the fighting it has been decided to denote all the money from this coming Friday’s Coffee Morning (4 March from 10.30 to noon in the Mission Hall) to the British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal. There will be the opportunity to add further donations if you wish to do so, and also if you are passing then perhaps drop in and help to swell the amount raised. You can also donate directly via this link https://donate.redcross.org.uk/appeal/ukraine-crisis-appeal
Anything and everything will help
With considerable sadness
1 March 2022 - New Secretary needed for Mission Hall Trust; Coffee Morning; Fallen tree
Hello everyone
The Mission Hall Trust need some assistance and say “Pam Dawson-Hollis who has been secretary to the Mission Hall Committee for many years really has resigned and we really do need to find someone to fill the gap that her resignation causes. We need a person, a man or a woman to be part of the committee, to take the minutes at meetings, type them up and distribute them via email to committee members. Also to deal with occasional correspondence. This is a vital role within the important job done by the Trustees and committee in the management and maintenance of this Sutton Poyntz community resource. Committee meetings are held approximately monthly in the daytime and usually in the hall. The committee are a friendly helpful bunch who will be pleased to welcome a new volunteer to the team. If you think this is something you might be able to do or would like to have a chat about the role please do not hesitate to ring either Anthea Heathershaw on 01305 834375 or Sue Davis on 01305 568804”
On the subject of the Mission Hall, the March Coffee Morning will be taking place in the Hall this coming Friday, 4 March between 10.30am and noon. For the usual £3 you can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, lots of good conversation and of course a piece of delicious homemade cake. If you fancy the latter but don’t have time to spare for the chat, drop in and purchase a piece to take away.
As you can see, a large tree fell beside the Mission Hall during the recent storms. There was a meeting going on in the Hall at the time, and one of the members went home early at 11.45am but saw nothing untoward. However when everyone left fifteen minutes later the tree was in the position shown in the photograph. If a person or car had been in the way it could have been quite serious. A big thank you to everyone who sent me a photograph. You were quick off the mark because the tree was first moved then taken away very promptly. As were most such fallen trees throughout the area following rapid and hard work by our local council workmen. Well done to them.
Stay safe and smiling