6 November 2018 - Remembrance Sunday at St Andrew's Church
Dear all,
A timely reminder from Caroline Crisp that every year there is a short service at the war memorial in St. Andrews churchyard on Remembrance Sunday - this year of course that's Sunday 11 November. Everyone gathers in the church car park by the memorial just before 11 am, the names of all those from the parish who died in both world wars and in the Falkland war are read out and a link is made to London to hear Big Ben chime for the minutes silence and then the guns in Hyde park . You are most welcome to attend this very moving annual tribute.
4 November 2018 - The week's events
Dear all,
The Chatty Craft Group. On Monday, 5 November, this cheerful and welcoming group will be meeting in the Mission Hall between 10am and noon, as, of course, they do every Monday morning. If you would like to try one of the many craft or other skills available, watch others 'at work', or even just enjoy the conversation and refreshment then do drop in and see them. No better way to start the week than meeting old friends or making new ones.
The Sutton Poyntz Women's Institute. The next meeting of the SP WI is on Wednesday 7 November in the Mission Hall between 2pm and 4pm. This will include a talk and demonstration by Mark Read on 'Flower arranging with Christmas in mind'. Just in time for you to put your newly learnt skills to good use in the festive season, so do drop in - you will be sure of a warm welcome.
Also a reminder about the lighting of the beacon on the hillside above the village at 7 pm on Sunday 11 November. This will form part of the Beacons of Light commemoration taking place all over the country and will be preceded by the reading of the names of those local people who made the supreme sacrifice. Remember to bring a torch, wear stout footwear and suitable clothing, but if you can't make it up to the beacon there is an excellent viewpoint from the beginning of the Millennium Oak walk, a short level walk up from Mission Hall Lane. See you there for a very special and poignant ceremony. Unfortunately it has not yet been possible to find a volunteer to sound the Last Post - if you know of anyone who could help, please let me know. On retiring to raise a glass to the memory of the fallen, the Springhead has very generously offered to reserve an area in the bar for us, and to provide complimentary beef rolls for those attending.
28 October 2018 - Good news, things happening and a request
Dear all,
The very recent Weymouth East Scout & Guide Autumn Jumble Sale was a huge success. A delighted Mo Martin told me that they had raised the record amount of £570, which will go a long way to help keep the Scutt hall in good shape for use by our local youngsters. Mo would like to thank all those who donated items for sale and everyone who turned out to get everything ready on the Friday and Saturday last, but not least, all those who went along and bought items. Thanks are also due, of course, to Mo and Dave for all the hard work they continue to put in to ensure a good result.
The second Winter Coffee Morning is this coming Friday, 2 November in the Mission Hall between 10.30am and noon. It seems that the colder weather has finally arrived, so get along to the Hall to enjoy a refreshing warm drink and a delicious slice of homemade cake. The cost is just £2.50 - the good company and conversation alone is worth that.
Then over next weekend - that's Saturday 4 and Sunday 4 November - four talented supporters of Weldmar are holding an Arts and Crafts Exhibition in the Mission Hall, 10.30am to 5 pm each day. There will be refreshments available and a prize draw, the proceeds of both going to help the good work that Weldmar carries out. Make a point of dropping in to see them over the weekend.
And Bill Egerton is still looking for some help with maintaining the Sutton Poyntz Society web site. If you can spare a little time in the comfort of your own home for the benefit of the village, give him a ring (832872), without obligation, to find out more.
22 October 2018 - 100 years from the end of WW1
Dear all,
On 3rd August 1914, Britain’s Foreign Minister, Sir Edward Grey, looking out of his office window at the gas lights along London’s Mall, remarked “The lamps are going out all over Europe; we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.” For those who gave their lives it was a lifetime, and for others four long years before Britain and Europe would again experience the light of peace.
In commemoration and remembrance of the end of the war, Beacons of Light will be lit at 7 pm on Sunday 11th November 2018 throughout the UK - a century after the guns fell silent. They will symbolise the 'light of hope' that emerged from the darkness of war.
The Beacon above the village will be lit as part of this commemoration, preceded by the reading of the names of those from the memorial at St Andrew's Church who made the supreme sacrifice and, if a volunteer can be found, the sounding of the Last Post. We shall then retire to the Springhead to raise a glass to their memory.
So bring a torch, wear stout footwear and suitable clothing but more importantly, bring yourself. Anyone for whom the walk up to the beacon might be too difficult there is a good viewpoint from the beginning of the Millennium Oak walk.
Wood to burn is needed, which Jez Cunningham has generously volunteered to drive up to the beacon in his Land rover, so let him know (835811) if you have any. Let me know about any possible bugle players and put the date and time in your diary - 7 pm on Sunday 11th November 2018.
20 October 2018 - Can you help?
Dear all,
Next Saturday, 27 October, at 2pm in the Scutt Hall the great Weymouth East Scout & Guide Autumn Jumble Sale takes place. This is one of the three major fund raising events to help maintain the Scutt Hall for the use of our local youngsters. There is still time for you to donate saleable items, and organisers Mo and Dave Martin (836322) would love to hear from you. Clothes, bric-a-brac, books, toys, household goods etc would be most welcome. Perhaps you might also like to drop in on the day to see what is on offer? Who knows, there might be just that quirky present ideal, dare I mention it, for Christmas.
And again last but by no means least, because we have not been inundated with replies. Is there anyone who could give our hard working SP Society Secretary Bill Egerton some help to maintain the Society web site? No meetings to attend, do as much as you are comfortable with from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. No great IT skills needed - if I can use it, anyone can! - so give Bill a ring (832872), without obligation, if you might have just a little time to spare to the benefit of the village.
8 October 2018 - Two imminent events
Dear all,
First a reminder from Maureen the Mill that the second Wednesday in every month is when the LWL (that stands for Ladies Who Lunch) meet in the Springhead for - you've guessed it - lunch. That means that they will be there this coming Wednesday, 10 October at 12.30pm. No need to book, just turn up and enjoy the company of your friends and neighbours in a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere over lunch. (I wonder if I dare say that SPAM is a catchier title than LWL? No, you're right. I won't mention it.)
Then some news of an unusual event this coming Saturday, 13 October, when a Pop Up Curry Night will be held in the Mission Hall starting at 7pm. The title conjures up all sorts of images, but don't think about it too long. I have no further details, but I know a man who has. If you are interested in the possibility dining on a Pop Up Curry, give David Burge a ring on 835896, when all will be explained.
Best regards
2 October 2018 - Five items of note
Dear all,
There's quite a lot going on over the next week or so.
The Sutton Poyntz Women's Institute.
The next meeting of the SP WI is tomorrow, Wednesday 3 October in the Mission Hall between 2pm and 4pm. Here you can learn about 'Stress Busting' - and most of us would benefit from that! Regular members will of course be there, but if you haven't been for a while, drop in again, and newcomers are always welcome. This happy group will be pleased to see you.
Winter Coffee Morning. Then this coming Friday, 5 October is the date for the first coffee morning of the Winter season in the Mission Hall between 10.30am and noon. Come along to the Hall, huddle together for warmth and enjoy good conversation over a refreshing cup of tea (or coffee if you must) and a delicious slice of homemade cake. All for just £2.50. Unfortunately I won't see you there as I am off walking the Coast Path, but my In-house Advisor will give me a full report of happenings. So do as I say (not as I do) - don't miss it!
The Chatty Craft Group. On Monday, 8 October, (and every Monday morning thereafter) this cheerful and welcoming group meet in the Mission Hall between10am and noon. Do drop in for a chat over a delicious cup of tea/coffee. Plus, of course, the chance to try out one of the many craft or other skills that will be demonstrated. This is a marvellous way to brighten up the start of the week - and learn something new perhaps.
Also a reminder about the Weymouth East Scout & Guide Autumn Jumble Sale on Saturday, 27 October at 2pm in the Scutt Hall. Organisers Mo and Dave Martin (836322) would still welcome donations of anything they can sell - clothes, bric-a-brac, books, toys, household goods etc - to help maintain the Scutt Hall for the use of our local youngsters. This sale is very important, so please help if you can.
And last but by no means least, our long serving and very hard working SP Society Secretary, Bill Egerton, needs some help. In addition to all that he does for the Society, he also maintains the Society web site and could do with someone to assist him with this latter task. Given the many and diverse range of talents in the village I suspect that IT knowledge is not in short supply. Could you help? It would not involve any meetings, could be done from home and at your own pace. If you are interested, give Bill a ring (832872), without obligation, for an idea of what is involved.
Best regards
12 September 2018 - Scout Jumble sale
Dear all,
The Weymouth East Scout & Guide Autumn Jumble Sale will take place on Saturday, 27 October at 2pm in the Scutt Hall. I mention this in good time because Mo and Dave Martin would be grateful for donations of anything they can sell - clothes, bric-a-brac, books, toys, household goods etc - to raise funds to maintain the Scutt Hall for the use of our local youngsters. Please contact Mo/Dave on 836322 if you have anything of that they could use. All the money for the Hall comes from the two annual jumble sales and the beach stall in the summer, so each one is very important. Please help.