31 August 2018 - Four events next week
Dear all,
Four events for your delight and delectation in the forthcoming week.
The Chatty Craft Group.
Every Monday morning this cheerful and welcoming group meet in the Mission Hall between10am and noon, so the next is on 3 September. Do drop in for a chat over a delicious cup of tea/coffee. Plus, of course, the chance to try out one of the craft or other skills that will be demonstrated. Undoubtedly a good way to start the week - and learn something new perhaps.
Then later that day, at 20.00 hrs, the civilian soldiers of Spam will be gathering at the Springhead. In the best military standards, you (name, rank and number withheld for security reasons) are expected to be there on time (well, nearly) in full kit (i.e. with glass in hand) and fully briefed on the latest rumour, joke and scandal. Be brave and be there.
The Sutton Poyntz Women's Institute.
The next meeting of the SP WI is this coming Wednesday, 5 September in the Mission Hall between 2pm and 4pm. 'Chair Yoga for wellness' is the subject of the meeting. A chance perhaps to unkink some of those aching joints and muscles in a gentle way? Members need no urging to attend, and newcomers are always welcome, so just drop in and see what they are about. There's no obligation to join on a first visit, and you are sure to be greeted warmly.
Summer Coffee Morning.
The last Coffee Morning of the Summer season - it hurts to have to write that - is on Friday 7 September in the Mission Hall between 10.30am and noon. So, like the summer swallows before their flight south, let's gather in the Hall for the tea, delicious cakes and good company. It's a bargain at £2.50 - or was it £3? - anyway, the proceeds benefit local charities. See you there.
25 August 2018 - Presentation of the money raised by the SP Victorian Fayre
Dear all,
This coming Wednesday, 29th August, starting at 7:30pm in the Mission Hall, cheques totalling £16000 will be presented to the charities being supported by the wonderful 2018 SP Victorian Street Fayre. Congratulations are, of course, due to everyone who worked so hard to raise this fantastic amount, and this is your chance to see where the money is going. The chief beneficiary is the Dorset County Hospital Cancer Unit Appeal with other major donations to WaterAid and the Claire Clements Fund. A number of other local charities and groups will also be supported, including Weymouth East Scouts, Nothe Fort Artillery Volunteers, Preston Village Hall, M/V Freedom, Preston Brownies, Lantern Trust, Opportunities R Un Limited, Sutton Poyntz Mission Hall Trust, The Horse Course Restart and the Dorchester Opportunity Group. This is always a lovely evening, when you can see for yourself how much the hard work put into the Street Fayre means to these deserving causes. Do go along to the Mission Hall, 7.30pm this Wednesday, for a really heart warming evening - and you can't say that too often these days.
17 August 2018 - The Sutton Poyntz Art Group Exhibition
Dear all,
A reminder about the Sutton Poyntz Art Group 6th Annual Summer Art Exhibition. This will take place in the Mission Hall over three days, starting on Saturday 25 August between 11am and 4.30pm on each day. Entry is free, and coffee plus delicious homemade cake will be available. There will also be work on display in the Mission Hall orchard (weather permitting) and a craft stall indoors. It doesn't seem five years ago that I went along their first exhibition and was impressed by their work, and since then they have gone from strength to strength. Don't miss this opportunity to see what these talented local artists have created.
6 August 2018 - The Sutton Poyntz Art Group Exhibition
Dear all,
On Saturday 25 August, Sunday 26 August and Monday 27 August between 11am and 4.30pm each day, the Sutton Poyntz Art Group will be holding their 6th Annual Summer Art Exhibition in the Mission Hall. Weather permitting there will also be work on display in the Mission Hall orchard and together with a craft stall there should be lots to see. The group is very talented , and those of you that have been before need no urging to go along. If you haven't been before then you are in for a treat. Entry is free and delicious coffee and cake will be available.
Mark the dates in your diary now, and drop in to enjoy the art, the coffee and the chat. They look forward to seeing you.
3 August 2018 - Preston drop-in session arranged for Local Plan Review
Dear all,
Preston drop-in session arranged for Local Plan Review
A drop-in session as part of the West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland Local Plan Review has been arranged for Wednesday 8 August from 4pm to 7pm at Preston Village Hall. This is your chance for an 'informal' view of the Preferred Options in the plan and to talk with Planning Officers.
'Informal' because this event takes place before the start of the official consultation period on Monday 13 August, which lasts eight weeks.
Contact cards with a web link will be available on Wednesday to enable you to access the online consultation form, as comments and feedback need to be in writing, ideally online or by email. However at the Village Hall you will be able to fill in a consultation form there and then and hand it in if you wish.
Cllr Ian Bruce has been trying to confirm this date for some time, and the short notice is because the West Dorset’s full council meeting to approve the consultation only took place this week.
Roadshow events have also been scheduled locally at Redlands Sport Centre, on Wednesday 12 September and at the Willowbed Hall, Chickerell on Friday 14th September, both from 10am to 7pm.
31 July 2018 - Meeting of SPAM
Dear all,
SPAM meets on the first Monday of every month at the Springhead at 20.00 hrs. This means that the next gathering is this coming Monday, 6 August. The precision of the military timing does not imply that this is a regimented event dealing with weighty events of the day. Most attendees arrive late, laugh a lot while present and depart in good humour. In fact, a jolly fine evening. What ho chaps, see you there.
Over and out
30 July 2018 - Reminder of events this coming weekend
Dear all,
A reminder about the two excellent events happening this weekend.
The first is the SP Society Vegetable Show on Saturday 4 August at the Mission Hall, under the stewardship of Jez Cunningham, who has given me some revised timings. Competitors are to submit their entries by 9.30am, so if you have green fingers don't miss your chance. Voting on the many and varied entries takes place between 10 am and 11 am. Next comes the world renowned “spud in a tub” contest, with weighing to start at 11am prompt, and the prizes will be presented at 11.45am.Entry including voting rights, coffee and cake is only £3, plus, if you are competing, 50p per class or £2 for four or more classes. Proceeds go to the charity 'Waves'. Good luck!
Then the next day, Sunday 5 August, is the Alfresco Village Lunch organised by the Mission Hall Trust. Starting at 1pm, the lunch will comprise a main course, dessert and tea or coffee. Since the occasion will also incorporate a celebration of the 50th birthday of the Sutton Poyntz Society, they will provide a drink of Pimms on arrival plus some birthday cake with the coffee. All this for just £13/head, and you can bring your own bottle of wine, beer, champagne or water. Tickets are available from Maureen (835533), and they are selling fast! Which reminds me - I've ordered two but not paid for them yet! See you there.
PS A keen eyed Jez notes that in the last Newsbite the date of this Friday's Summer Coffee Morning should have read 3 August. My apologies to all those of you who pencilled it into your diaries for July 2019.
27 July 2018 - Four forthcoming events
Dear all,
Four forthcoming events for your enjoyment, education and erudition
The Chatty Craft Group.
The next in the regular series of Monday morning meetings of this group is Monday, 30 July, in the Mission Hall between 10am and noon. Another chance to exchange conversation and possibly learn craft and other skills over a delicious cup of tea/coffee. This is always a good way to start the week, so why not drop in and find out what is on offer.
The Sutton Poyntz Women's Institute.
The next meeting of the SP WI will be this coming Wednesday, 1 August in the Mission Hall between 2pm and 4pm. This is their Garden - or should I say Orchard? - Meeting and will feature a Bring and Buy Stall (and, I suspect, a cream tea). Hopefully the weather will remain kind for this happy and welcoming group, and it is sure to be a pleasant afternoon. They welcome newcomers, so just drop in to see what they are about. There's no obligation to join on a first visit, and you are sure of a very warm welcome.
Summer Coffee Morning.
The fifth Coffee Morning of the Summer season is on Friday 3 July in the Mission Hall between 10.30am and noon. The summer seems to be rushing past, so don't miss this chance to enjoy the tea, cakes and good company - all for just £2.50, to the benefit of local charities. See you there.
The stalwarts of Spam will be gathering at the Springhead at 20.00 hrs on Monday 6 August. You know who you are, and that a failure to attend risks the Curse of Clive, so make sure you are there. No excuses, except the most outlandish, are accepted.