23 July 2016 - Baptism tomorrow at the Pond
Dear all,
Tim West, Rural Dean and Team Rector, says that tomorrow, Sunday 24 July, there will be worship at the Church Rooms in Cafe Church starting at 10pm, after which the congregation will walk down to the pond at the village for baptism around 10.45am. All are welcome to both events. He says that if you would like a glimpse of what to expect then there is BBC Songs of Praise clip at www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02n9ncp which should explain all.
I have seen the moving and thought provoking baptisms that have taken place in December at the pond; the weather tomorrow will certainly be kinder!
21 July 2016 - Vegetable Show and Ploughman's and Pimms Party
Dear all,
You should by now - especially if intending to enter - have the date of the Village Vegetable Show firmly in your diary - Saturday 6 August at the Mission Hall. 9.30am for competitors to display their wares, members of the public from circa 10.30am onwards. All the traditional categories will be on display, including the famous “spud in a tub” competition for the Des Evans trophy for the heaviest quantity of spuds grown in a tub. Unfortunately there is no Scarecrow competition this year due to a lack of entries, but the other prize givings will start at 11.45am.
What you won't have in your diary - because it has only just been announced - is the Ploughman's and Pimms Party also at the Mission Hall on the same day, Saturday 6 August, from 5pm until 8pm. An added attraction is that Balfey's Community Bakers (the BCB Irregulars) will be making the bread to go with the ham or cheese ploughman's buffet. What more incentive do you need? The cost has been pegged at last year's prices - £10 for adults, £4 for under-18s, free for under-3s (and ageing Welshmen?) - and tickets can be booked by ringing Sue on 834209. So do come along and enjoy a glass of Pimms (with all the usual foliage, including strawberries, cucumber, mint, ice etc) accompanied by a delicious ploughman's with homemade bread in the Mission Hall garden (or the Hall itself if the weather is inclement).
21 July 2016 - News of Katie
Dear all,
An update on the earlier Newsbite concerning Katie, Sue and Peter Jones' Irish setter who disappeared on Monday night.
Peter let Katie out late that night to cool down, as she was obviously distressed by the heat earlier in the day. In total darkness she managed to jump a garden fence and set off to find somewhere cool. Peter searched likely spots during Tuesday and then asked the village for help via a Newsbite. At 4 pm, twelve hours after Katie disappeared, he received a telephone call from an astute and observant fellow dog walker - who shall remain nameless (but she does live in the Mill!) - who recalled a noise and strange reaction from her dogs when walking that morning near Wyndings. Peter searched the area again and eventually sighted Katie trapped 10 feet into the undergrowth. He called the fire brigade who sent a rescue officer who retrieved the very tired dog. Katie’s entire hind quarters had been stuck in a badger hole and she was unable to release herself. Peter assumes that, in the dark, she had found a cool spot and then stumbled into the badger hole. On recovery Katie was watered, hosed down and immediately taken to the vet where her situation was described as critical. On the hottest day of the year she had spent almost 17 hours without any water in a serious traumatised situation; if she had been found any later organ failure could have occurred. Thankfully however she has now been stabilised and will be home on Thursday. Peter and Sue are extremely grateful for the help they received from the village response to the Newsbite, particularly from Maureen (oops!) and from Simon of the Fire and Rescue Service.
A fine example of help and co-operation with a very happy ending.
19 July 2016 - Katie, Peter Jones missing dog
Katie a 10 year old Irish Red Setter bitch has gone missing from Sue and Peter Jones home in Plaisters Lane.
15 July 2016 - Reminders - Cream Teas and Village Walk
A reminder about tomorrow's - Saturday 16 July - Cream Teas in the Mission Hall garden between 2.30 and 4 pm. They are remarkably good value at £3.50, and I have checked the weather forecast which promises a less than 5% chance of rain and even some sun! This is always a marvellous event, so do drop in and enjoy this quintessentially British occasion. What more could you want - good food, good company and good weather.
And also a reminder that next week, on Friday 22 July, there is a village walk, only(!) 3 miles, all flat, starting at the Ferrybridge Roundabout at 9.45am, parking in the nearby estate. At the end - or middle if you intend walking back rather than taking the bus - we will partake of coffees, teas, scones and cakes in the Blue Fish Restaurant in Chiswell. Please contact Jez Cunningham (835811) or Richard Backwell (833349) if you intend to come along, so they can let the Restaurant know roughly how many to cater for. With outdoor seating available, dogs are also very welcome.
7 July 2016 - Entries needed for the Scarecrow Competition
Dear all,
5 July 2016 - Sutton Poyntz Society - Morning Walk Friday 22 July
On Friday 22 July there will be a 3 mile walk starting at the Ferrybridge Roundabout, meeting at 9.45am. Parking in the nearby estate is relatively straightforward but it may be a good idea to share transport where possible,
The walk will take us along the grassy footpath alongside the harbour until we cut into the Sailing Centre and follow the path round to the Castle. From here we will walk up the road, cut down through Victoria Park to the Blue Fish Restaurant in Chiswell, where coffees, teas, scones and cakes will be available. The walking is largely flat, and from my personal experience, very pleasant, following the water and the old railway line some distance from the road.
On Fridays the Blue Fish is run by adults with learning difficulties from Muntsy's, so in order to help them know how many to expect, could you please contact Jez Cunningham (835811) or Richard Backwell (833349) by Friday 15 July if you intend to come along.
On leaving the restaurant you can either catch the bus (one every 10 minutes) back across the causeway or, if feeling very fit or don't have a bus pass, walk the 2 miles back to Ferrybridge!
25 June 2016 - Neighbourhood Planning
The formal application for Sutton Poyntz to be allowed to create a Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted to Weymouth & Portland Borough Council, who have now entered a consultation period before making their decision. The consultation closes on Friday 5 August, and anyone can make comments before this date.
Full information is available at https://www.dorsetforyou.gov.uk/article/406403/Local-communities-working-on-neighbourhood-plans
and comments can be submitted via an online form available at that link.
A Steering Group has come together to write the plan, assuming W&PBC give permission to go ahead. It has already met twice, and will now meet regularly on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. Information on this can be found on the village website, at http://suttonpoyntz.org.uk/neighbourhood. The Steering Group should be as representative as possible of the village both demographically and in terms of its range of opinions, so if you would like to volunteer as a member of the Group, email the Group Secretary, Mark Cribb,
The Neighbourhood Plan will be important in shaping the future of the village - it is vital that we get it right.