19 December 2024 - Catching up

12 December 2024 - Mission Hall improvements
Dear friends,
You will remember, I hope, from our October Newsletter, that we are planning various improvement and repair works at the Mission Hall. We're now in a position to give you dates for the work, and an update on what is planned.
The building work will start on Monday 6th January, and we expect it to be completed by the end of February (dependent of course on not having any too-prolonged winter weather). The Hall will be closed and unavailable for that period. We intend to have an Open Day the first or second Saturday after the Hall reopens - coffees, cakes, soups and rolls, and a chance to check out the work that has been done. More information on this nearer the time.
The building work that will be done is as follows:
- Double glazed windows, with the upper panes having clear glass and an improved opening mechanism;
- New heating, consisting of six overhead Infra-Red heaters which should be more efficient and give quicker heat when people arrive;
- Improvements to the "gents" WC at the east end of the Hall, with a tiled floor and damp-proofing to the walls;
- Repairs to the main floor, with the addition of skirting around the main Hall; also woodworm treatment and improved ventilation for the under-floor space;
- A proper fire door for the Fire Exit at the far left corner of the Hall;
- More practical and safer shelving in the Store cupboard;
- Insulation of the loft space above the Hall, along with woodworm treatment and better ventilation for this space;
- Externally, minor roof repairs, new guttering, remedial work to the chimney on the north side (where damp has been getting in to the Hall's wall); also repairs to a soakaway to improve the building's resistance to heavy rain;
- Decoration throughout - we have chosen a colour scheme that we hope will have a fresher feel.
In addition, we are purchasing
- New chairs - a mix of padded and unpadded chairs that we think will be comfortable and flexible for users of the Hall;
- A name sign to hang outside the Hall - this last item is in memory of Barbara Harrrison, using money donated in her memory by her friends.
Observant ones among you will notice that we have been able to include some of the jobs that we originally expected to have to hold over for the future. We had assumed that VAT would need to be added to all the prices we had been given, and it was a very pleasant surprise to find that some of the skilled tradesmen who will be doing the work for us are not VAT registered. We have been able to add several tasks using the money thus "saved". Work that we would still like to get done some time, and will carry on fund-raising for, include repairs to the porch, improved lighting in the Hall, and a ventilator for the gents WC.
We are asking the Hall's user groups to please move their equipment and belongings out by Christmas. We have had a very kind offer of garage space for the Hall's equipment, and plan to have a working party on the weekend of 28th/29th December, to clear the Hall. We have had a number of offers of help already, and will get in touch with those who kindly gave us their names. If there are others who would be able to help, please get in touch with Bill Egerton (07734 040883 or
We look forward to seeing all the friends of the Mission Hall in March, and hope that what will have been done by then will delight them greatly.
With seasons greetings and best regards
The Trustees, Sutton Poyntz Mission Hall
8 December 2024 - Job for the Elves
- Your bundle of cards can be passed to any member of the committee (click here) before next Sunday 15th, or put into the Food Bank box next weekend
- The delivery address must be in the village - to be clear that means the house must appear on the new village map on the phonebox (also on the website - click here)
- They need to be adequately addressed - no good just putting "To: Pat" - but the house name/number and street will be enough. We know it's Sutton Poyntz and we don't care about postcodes!
- One of the SP Committee elves will trudge his/her way out through the rain, wind and snow and deliver your cards during the following week (i.e. before the weekend 21/22 December)
- We're not going to charge per card (most Boy Scout-type deliveries are charging 35-50p) - we'll accept your (generous) donation which we are going to give to charity. If you are handing your cards to a committee member then pass on your donation at the same time. However we shouldn't leave cash in the food bank box - please put it in an envelope and drop it in to Jon Waterman (cottage opposite the foodbank, with the village Christmas tree in his front garden.)
- In theory this generous offer is only open to paid-up members of the Society - if you fear you're not paid up for 2024/5, add a fiver to your donation (half-price for single occupiers) and let us know what you've done.
16 November 2024 - Pot Pourri
Just a date for your diary - Monday 16th December at 1830 outside the Mission Hall
06 November 2024 Pond detritus
06 November 2024 "Bucks for Buckers"
There will be a huge raffle and an auction for some amazing prizes including helicopter rides, a mobility scooter worth £1600, massage vouchers, hair treatments, fishing trips, mystery money envelopes & so much more!
Plus for the fun factor, we have mobility scooter racing! (over 16's) by Sam's friend at Rapid Mobility.
Tickets bought in advance via the shop get a FREE burger included with the ticket - tickets also available on the door but will not get the bonus burger 🙂
Tickets available via the online shop (use the QR code on the poster below) and at the pub.

04 November 2024 - I’m looking for Rose Cottage - are you local?
How many of us who wander the village streets haven’t been accosted by a lost white-van driver trying to deliver something?
You may recall that several years ago we had a listing of house names for the main roads (Sutton Road and Plaisters Lane) - it was displayed inside the notice board on The Cartshed. Useful - if you knew it was there. An updated version replaced it but it faded rather quickly.
Well the Sutton Poyntz Society have splashed out to have a bigger and better one printed which will be displayed on the back of the phonebox.
Enormous thanks to Mike Haine who did the amazing graphics (with a bit of help from J), and to SwiftSigns of Weymouth who are currently doing the printing and will be installing it in the next few days.
J & S
ps - the phonebox was installed with the solid back facing to the right-hand side and the glass left-hand side facing the brick wall!
pps - we know that the first thing you will look at will be your house - and someone somewhere will find a mistake. All we can say is “sorry and too bad!”
ppps - there are three “Rose Cottages” in and around the village, could you help the van driver?
1 November 2024 - Children in Need
Dear All
This morning's Coffee Morning was well attended, and, thanks to everyone's generosity, made a total of £297 for Children in Need - £146 taken at the door (including some donations), plus £151 from the raffle.
I will take this money in to the bank next week (along with any additional donations received over the weekend), and pay it direct to the Children in Need appeal, keeping the bank receipt with the Mission Hall records.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this event, in whatever way.
Best wishes,
Bill Egerton