28 August 2024 - A Thank You Message From The Pub To The Village
We cannot do it without you!
Yours Sincerely
16 August 2024 - A Murder is Announced
The murder plot is set in post-WW2 times, and appropriate dress is encouraged! Captain Mainwaring has said he'll try to be there too, so don't panic!
This will be a ticket-only event for the princely sum of £15 – but we need to close ticket sales on 23rd Sept for catering purposes. Veggie option available of course.
or Jackie:
05 August 2024 - Winning scarecrow, flower festival and baby moorhens
Read more: Newsbite 240805 Winning scarecrow, flower festival and baby moorhens
29 July 2024 - Buses, tarmac, verges and scones
Some news from our local councillor:
"This is just a quick update for residents about a couple of issues within Sutton Poyntz
- We have submitted a report proposal to First Bus about a trial service for Sutton Poyntz as discussed in previous residents' meetings and newsletters. We are awaiting a reply from First on this matter.
- The verges on Sutton Road are due to be cut back using the council's tractor thresher - hopefully this week. This is to improve lines of sight and hopefully re-widen the road slightly. We will be looking at further works after this is done.
- The first stretch of Sutton Road and Plaisters Lane were treated to a surface dressing last month. We did receive mixed feedback about this to begin with but negative feedback has died down. We would be grateful for any more views on the matter or any issues.
- We are waiting for a date on the second half of Sutton Road leading up to the pub. This will be re-tarmacked as opposed to the other method used, due to the fact this section is in a particularly bad state.
Please feel free to get in touch with us at any point and wishing you all a lovely August summer.
Cllr Louie O'Leary on behalf of Preston and Sutton Poyntz councillor team

19 July 2024 - St Andrew's Flower Festival

16 July 2024 - Mission Hall news
Great news! Sutton Poyntz Mission Hall has received £14,124 from The National Lottery Community Fund!
The money will go towards essential repairs & improvements needed for our 132 year old village hall to survive in the future.
Thank you to all our village fundraisers, National Lottery players & of course the new Community Fund!
For more information visit ………..
15 July 2024 - Ladies not Lunching
11 July 2024 - Crows Coffee Cream
Bank details are:
Account name: Sutton Poyntz Society
Sort code: 60-23-35
Account number: 06822584
Reference: please include your surname, house name / number and road name. Include as much as you can before you run out of space!
And of course it's £5 per household (or £2.50 if you live alone) for the period April 2024 - April 2025.
The more folk who pay by bank transfer, the less door-knocking we’ll have to do later in the year.
Thanks for your help.
J & S