09 July 2024 - "The Whalebone Theatre" by Joanna Quinn
July 12th 7.30 - "Meet Joanna Quinn" event at Sutton Poyntz Mission Hall.
A reminder to bring CASH for:- £5 for entry; donation for a drink as we have no alcohol licence (there will also be fruit juices); and if you wish to buy a cost price Whalebone Theatre book at £8.
Bring your own book if you would like Joanna to sign it.
There are now just 4 places available! Tickets from Sue Cottam, 833582 or
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Best wishes,
30 June 2024 - Scaredy Crows
Phone/text: 07816415212
Or put a note through the door of Little Acorns, Puddledock Lane
27 June 2024 - Bench by Pond

26 June 2024 - Dave Wintle
This message is from Chris Waight.
Dear All,
It is with great sadness that I convey the news that yet one more of our treasured villagers, Dave Wintle, has passed away.
Sharon and I have had the good fortune to have been Dave and Sue’s next door neighbours for over sixteen years, during which time both have become not only good neighbours but also very good friends.
Dave was born in Plymouth in 1943 and while still a youngster, moved with his parents to Weymouth. He decided to take up teaching as a career and while still at Teacher Training college, joined a local church youth club where he met Sue. Their relationship blossomed and resulted in their wedding in 1969, married life beginning in Sutton Poyntz where they spent their lives together.
At the end of Dave’s Teacher Training he applied and was accepted as a teacher at All Saints School, where he remained until being forced to take early retirement due to ill health during 1998. Dave loved his time at All Saints where without doubt, he was equally popular with both other members of staff and the pupils. He particularly enjoyed being involved in school trips both abroad and in the UK where, I believe, he really came into his own by being known as the teacher who was “always willing to have a go on the fastest and scariest rides!”
According to Sue, whenever she and Dave were walking in and around Weymouth progress was extremely slow as he regularly stopped to have conversations with old students, parents, etc.
Dave was always willing to take part in, and enjoy various different aspects of village life, not least of which involved being a member of SPAM. His greatest claim to fame was telling his party jokes, the punch-lines from which were seldom reached as Dave would collapse in fits of laughter well before the endings, the results of which were highly infectious as everyone listening would enjoy the merriment probably more than the frequently absent punch-lines!
Dave, neighbour, and without doubt, friend to all who knew him, thank you for having enriched our lives. You will be greatly missed.
Dave’s funeral will take place at Weymouth Crematorium on Tuesday 16th July at 12:15, followed by a get-together in the Mission Hall.
Chris Waight
20 June 2024 - Mission Hall news
Dear all,
Reminders of some Mission Hall events:
- Friday 12th July - Talk by Joanna Quinn, the author of the best-selling novel "The Whalebone Theatre". 7.30 p.m., at the Mission Hall. Admission £5 - tickets from Sue Cottam, 833582 or
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . This should be a really interesting event - see the poster below. - Friday 5th July - Village Coffee Morning, 10.30 at the Mission Hall. Come and discuss the election, or maybe find some better topic of conversation!
- Sunday 30th June - Village BBQ. Sadly, this event is CANCELLED .
- Next Wednesday, 26th June - Mission Hall AGM - 7.30 p.m., at the Mission Hall. Documents for the AGM are available here:
- Agenda
- Minutes of last year's AGM
- Proposed Constitution changes
- Annual Report and 2023/24 Accounts
- 2024/25 Budget

13 June 2024 - Subscriptions and Upcoming Events
As you can imagine with lots of people paying identical amounts of money, including a useful reference so that Andy can track who has paid is crucial. We don’t want to annoy you by knocking on your door asking for subs when you’ve already paid.
Sort code: 60-23-35
Account number: 06822584
Reference: please include your surname, house name / number and road name. Include as much as you can before you run out of space!
The more folk who pay by bank transfer, the less door-knocking we’ll have to do later in the year.
Thanks for your help.