11 January 2024 - February Coffee Morning
5 January 2024 - Mission Hall: Beetle Drive!
Beetle Drive
A repeat of last year's much enjoyed event. A Beetle Drive evening, with Ploughman's Supper - bring your own drink.
At the Mission Hall, 7.30 on Friday 2nd February.
Tickets £8, from Maureen Morris (835533). If you have any dietary requirement please mention it when you book.
With raffle. Proceeds to Mission Hall Trust.
Future events at the Mission Hall
We have a Music Evening with Ken Watkins on Friday 8th March. We are also intending to arrange a village Barbecue probably on Sunday 30th June. Then in the Autumn (date not yet decided) we are hoping to hold a Theme Night Supper - those of you who have been in the village longest will remember events, mainly organised by a group who called themselves "The Gnomes", including "Mrs Bucket's Candle-lit Italian Supper", the Medieval Dinner, the "We'll eat again" wartime supper and the School Dinner under the gentle charge of Headmaster Mr John "Whackem" Allen. Events that will be hard to match, but we will do our best.
Watch out for further information.