04 October 2024 - Village Christmas Party

29 September 2024 - Murderer escaped detection!
25 September 2024 - Forthcoming events and Air Ambulance
Just a little reminder of what we have in store for you:
- Saturday 28th September at 6.45pm - Murder Mystery Dinner (sold out!)
- Friday 4th October at 10.30am - Coffee Morning with raffle
Both of these events are in aid or the local Air Ambulance service

- Saturday 12th October at 9.30 - Pond Cleanup
Friday 1st November at 10.30am - Coffee Morning as usual
- Saturday 16th November - Village Quiz (details to follow)
19 September 2024 - Refurbished Bench
You'll remember that the bench by the pond in front of the pub was replaced recently - thanks to cost-sharing between the Sutton Poyntz Society and The Springhead.
We also said that although the old bench was condemned as "beyond economic repair" by the Weymouth Town Council, we found an unpaid volunteer who offered to fix it up. Well it's been finished (by Graeme Morrison - many thanks!) and this team of unemployed reprobates pictured below have installed it on the Millennium Oak Walk.

17 September 2024 - Ladies' Lunch
13 September 2024 - Chopper inbound
We are pleased to announce that the proceeds from our upcoming Murder Mystery Dinner and the following Coffee Morning (October 4th) will be donated to our local Air Ambulance Service.
The Coffee Morning promises all the usual socialising delight with the additional attraction of a splendid raffle* and A-A staff available to answer your questions. We all hope we won't need their services, but isn't it reassuring to know they're there? Join us in generously supporting this cause – it's like buying insurance, with cake! See you there.
* if you want to donate a raffle prize please let us know - unfortunately we couldn't get an offer of a fun ride in the helicopter but maybe you can donate something similar?
6 September 2024 - Pond cleanup, roadworks and murder
"Unfortunately, these works are one of four across the County in the same situation. Roughly four weeks ago, BT [Openreach] submitted immediate urgent permits for temporary traffic signals due to loose covers, these are usually dealt with in a matter of days, however, BT are having issues with retaining contractors to complete the repairs.
I have been in daily contact with BT pushing for updates and urgent attention to these sites. I will be completely honest with you, the updates I have been receiving are simply stating there is no update, which is completely unacceptable and frustrating as they have not been managing their permits to occupy the highway. Our Street Works Inspectors are visiting the sites each day and issuing occupancy fines to BT.
This morning’s update states that all should be repaired by the end of tomorrow. I do not like to sound cynical, but we have been given this update many times before so until I hear from my Inspectors who witness activity at these sites, I am not confident in what BT are telling me.
I am sorry this is not very helpful but as far as giving updates to any residents/businesses contacting you, please inform them that it should be repaired by tomorrow.”
Well tomorrow came and went (it's at least yesterday by now) and although there were white vans parked there, I think "parking" is the only relevant activity they achieved.
Meanwhile, if you subscribe to the Dorset Echo you'll have seen that Louie is also still working hard on our behalf to get a bus service re-instated for us. Watch this space.
Finally, there are a few (very few) tickets left for the Murder Mystery Dinner - make contact quickly if you want to join our evening of fun!
Read more: Newsbite 240906 Pond cleanup, roadworks and murder